At Jind Lab, we know that testing your urine is an important way of keeping track of your health. We offer a wide range of urine tests to measure everything from kidney function to blood sugar levels. If you’re looking for a way to monitor your overall health and wellness, our urine test panel can be an excellent choice for you.

Urine testing has long been used as a method to diagnose many conditions and disorders, including diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer. It can also be used as a tool in early detection of certain cancers. In addition to these uses, it can also be used as a method of monitoring treatment effectiveness by measuring the levels of certain drugs in the bloodstream as they pass through the kidneys.

Types of Urine Tests available at Jind Lab are:

  • Red blood cell urine test
  • Glucose urine test
  • Protein urine test
  • Urine pH level test
  • Ketones urine test
  • Bilirubin urine test
  • Urine specific gravity test
We offer a range of testing options for people with diabetes, infections, high cholesterol, and many other conditions. Jind Lab's urine testing services also make it easier for you to stay on top of your health and well-being.
