Fill Out the Form
The first step in our process is to fill out your form. This will allow us to know what you need from us, and it will also help us get to know you better. Once we have your information, we can start working on your case!

Get Back Call for Confirmation
Once you have completed your form, we will call you back for confirmation. This is important because we won't be able to set up an appointment for a sample collection if we don't have at least some kind of idea about what samples we're going to need from you! We'll also ask for your contact information so that we can get in touch with you if there's any kind of question or concern that needs answering.

Visit for Sample Collection
You'll make an appointment at our office in person. We recommend arriving at least half an hour before your appointment time so that we can do a full consultation with you and get some samples of your blood, urine, and tissue. If possible, bring a recent picture of yourself along with any other documentation that might help us understand how best to treat whatever health concerns may be affecting you.

Get Your Report Online
Once we've collected your samples, we'll get them processed and ready for analysis by our expert pathologists within 24 hours (usually faster). We may also have some questions for you before they're sent off so that they can be interpreted correctly; at this point, however, it's just a matter of waiting until they come back. You make payment only after you get the report.